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00:00 / 01:30

take one minute and taste the  Mindful Symphony Experience

O uomo! Viaggia da te stesso in te stesso

ché da simile viaggio la terra diventa purissimo oro.


Galal al-Din Rumi

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12 nov 2022, 10:00

Get to the edge:

I want my team to become powerful,

I want committed leaders.



Take the opportunity to reinforce your team. Let them experiment the power of empathy and let them benefit from the mindfulness practice.

Everyone will have a great chance to improve both the personal and the professional dimension. A collective learning path, into the multiple layer of the emotional intelligence, will allow the participant to learn from each other sharing their experiences and knowledge.

When an organization gather the leaders to develop mutual trust and experiment open communications, the effectiveness of the organization itself will exponentially grow.



Higher levels of engagement and productivity will result from new energies and synergies. An increased ability to face complexity and perform at high speed will reinforce success, without any increase on individual stress and workload.



Mindfulness, Music and Emotional Intelligence insights will lead to the experience of the “here and now”. Everyone will have the possibility to play the symphony in two dimensions: the own and inner one, discovering and experimenting the self being, and the interpersonal one, listening each other and discovering new style of communication and relationship.




  • 10.00 Welcome and Introduction

  • 10.30 Mindfulness Tasting

  • 12:00 Mindfulness and Music

  • 12.30 Mindful Lunch

  • 14.30 Music and Empathy

  • 16.30 Empathy, Awareness and Emotional Intelligence

  • 17.30 Debriefing

  • 18.00 Prosecco’s Goodbye


programma completo

Enrica Bellia 


Studi di Fisica e Restauro, Certificata PMP® Project Management Professional e Lean  SixSigma Master Black Belt. Senior Consultant, Trainer e Coach per queste discipline da oltre dieci anni.



Christian Valentinotti


Studi in Economia Ventennale esperienza nella formazione Formatore di MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction)

Soft skills Trainer Docente per il Cantone Ticino Creativo


Daniela Guzzetti 


  Studi di Psicologia Ventennale esperienza nella formazione Attestato di MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction),  Soft skills Trainer e Coach  , Docente per il Cantone Ticino,  Esperta conoscitrice delle dinamiche aziendali


Irina Solinas 


Musicista, terapista e insegnante yoga, l'unione era inevitabile.

Unione e sinergia di tre aspetti, lati, materie di cui siamo fatti.

Consapevolezza corporea: asana, meridiani miofasciali, anatomia del musicista, da dove arriva il suono. Coltivare.

Disciplina mentale: dove siamo mentre suoniamo, respirazione controllata, meditare il suono.


Intelligenza emotiva: cura della bellezza, cosa emoziona, musica come elevazione.




Il tuo modulo è stato inviato!

Per ogni informazione Daniela +39 335 7198 817

Via all'approdo 1

Faggeto Lario Como

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